Cambridge School - 1961

Cambridge School is a prominent school in Delhi established to serve the needs of the younger generation in the newly independent India. The school is designed around two courtyards; one central and closed, and the other open on one side facing the football ground at the back.  The building itself separates the site into two parts: the front as a multipurpose hard paved ground and the back as a sports field. 

Its largely rectilinear layout and form is broken by the office wing that interrupts the order with corrugations to the facade. The entrance lobby uses screens that are reminiscent of the ones used at Stein’s India International Center, separating the lobby from a large covered open space behind.  This space connects the internal courtyard and the Assembly Hall and hence was probably designed to be large to accommodate the large volume of students that would pass through regularly.

Courtyard Facade

Courtyard Facade

Grit Stone Plastered Columns & Diagonal Guardrails

Grit Stone Plastered Columns & Diagonal Guardrails



Interior Sports Facilities

Interior Sports Facilities

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Jaali Design

Jaalis are seen frequently in many AAJ buildings. Here is another example of a jaali design. This jaali is used as a visual screen between two interior settings.

Staggered Openings & Chajja Design

Staggered Openings & Chajja Design

Academic Block

Academic Block

Grit Stone Plaster

Grit Stone Plaster

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Grit Finish & Chajjas

The entire facade is clad with grit finish in varying shades of red and brown; the darker red used to highlight the structural elements of the building.  Perhaps their experimentations with grit in previous projects gave them the confidence to use it extensively here.

The chajja design is incorporated into the pattern created by the exposed concrete structural frame.


Delhi Parsi Anjuman - 1958


Shriram Bharatiya Kala Kendra - 1962