International Academy Of Indian Culture (I.A.I.C.) - 1956

I.A.I.C. or Saraswati Bhawan was commissioned by the father of its current occupant Dr. Lokesh Chandra.

The entry to the institute leads directly to the car porch between two of its three components.  On one side is the office and library wing and on the other side is the residence of Dr. Chandra.  The office wing has an identical layout on the first floor with additional rooms above the porch. Behind these wings and surrounding a courtyard is the guest room block also leading from the central porch.  In another departure from convention, the residential wing curves towards the road in the site plan. 

The original brick work has not been painted over or plastered hence retaining the original texture only slightly weathered by time. The overall aesthetic of the complex is Spartan, in keeping with its original function of Buddhist studies.

Chajja Design -

Concrete chajjas follow the curved shape of the building.

Front Facade

Front Facade

Residential Area

Residential Area

Internal Courtyard

Internal Courtyard




Stone Jaali

Jhabvala’s fascination with Mughal architecture was reflected not only in his pencil studies and watercolors of the monuments of that period, but details and features of these monuments also appear on his building designs. Stone jaalis appear in many of his buildings both on the facade, exterior walls and interior spaces.


Kirori Mal College - 1955


Delhi Parsi Anjuman - 1958